Ahhhhh! Sweet, cool morning and another fabulous sunrise. Caught a few more borderline legal pike between cups of coffee from shore. I let our neighbors top off their water supplies with my filter and lent my pot to a couple who’d forgotten theirs. On the trail by 9:00 am this time. The 6 miles and change to McCargoe were very enjoyable and scenic. And gloriously cool. What a difference 20 degrees made! Had no trouble landing a shelter and watched the Voyager arrive at the dock, exchanging passengers and gear. Most were headed elsewhere and the campground never did fill up.
There was a beautiful wood-masted sailboat at the dock, towing a small Zodiac. We’d seen them heading out to the big water 2 days earlier at Chippewa. Nice group of seniors who were fun to talk with. More otters at the dock. Caught several more pike off the shore. Someone had found and left a large single moose antler shed by the fire ring. Quite impressive!
I gathered some wood, started a fire and was joined by a couple campers. One young guy and his wife stuck around with us to enjoy the evening. About 10:30 pm, we were all considering turning in when I noticed a glow to the north. Pretty soon, we were treated to a dandy northern lights display, low on the horizon. It gave us lots of looks before abruptly winking out. Oxcellent!
This night, Pat just about froze! It got down into the upper 40s. I, however, was finally comfortable in my down bag. I offered to switch with him the next night and just layer up.
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